Wednesday, June 18, 2008
KLIA Green Park
Yes yes yes i've been missing in action :) gone back to my home of 6years but i'm back and dying to tell you with what i was up to there... on the last day of my stay there (in this case saturday la kunu) me, my auntie, her husband and their daughter/my cuzin Nata Reena signed up for the Project Green KLIA "Walk The Environment-One Planet One Commitment".... All i can say is...
like i can start singing "Amazing Grace" ni....
Secara rumusan, this event ROCKS BIG TIME! we need it in KKIA as well... it was fun... hehehhe berlari2 di hutan macam wayang hindustan... pure pure extreme measure punya kind of fun... hehehe my group (auntie uncle Nata n me)... we got 3rd place!
out of like 30 lebih groups ni.... hehehe minta puji oh kan? :P but i ran like a mad lady bah so YES we deserve 3rd place....
OK la... have to make this post short n simple (boring ba if too much babbling)... check out the pics below taken with my hp cam... :) enjoy people!
So people! Lets all sit in a circle... and cross our fingers... and start chanting "green planet... green planet... come to kkia" hehehehe
Quote of the Day: "syioksssss!" - most people i know like saying this...
Sunday, June 8, 2008
:) Just came back from the Offical Launching of 1-Borneo. The words BIG, SPACIOUS and BRIGHT comes to mind when u step in. Didnt really have a chance to go around but i've set my mind to go back and check out Daiso (the RM5 Japanese store) and Sachs (more more more leather bags to choose from!)
Tried the Sushi King (our first outlet here in Sabah) hehehe reminds me of my 6 years in KL... was good but REALLY crowded with hungry hungry people.
Just a precaution to anyone of you out there planning to visit... make sure u wear your "kasut biasa' cause the basement parking in 1-Borneo was muddy... infact banjir in some parts... they have to start cleaning it otherwise... nobody will want to park there for fear of "kejadian kereta berenang" :)
oh ya... the restrooms sucks here... i didn't go but from the look of my uncles who did... they were grossed out... so if guys say that = extreme punya tidak bersih la that :)
anywayz... Happy Sunday everyone! Happy working tomorrow... i won't be posting anything for the whole week as i'll be away (hehehe the place i called home for 6 years)... til then adios!
Friday, June 6, 2008

*pic above courtesy of ninie from