Sunday, September 14, 2008

Let's Grow Our Own Food

Having read so so so so so many green blogs... slow food nation... guerilla gardening... and many more... I think it's time to join in the bandwagon... why don't we all try to grow our own food rather then buy vege thats been grown and imported as far as New Zealand or China... not that it's wrong, it's just that we MUST support our local farmers... if WE don't.. then WHO will?

My first attempt...

My small miniature spade... helps me transfer baby plants :D also makes life easier when handling spiky cactuses...

And here are the first batch of vege planting in pots...

Baby sawi putih

Baby Brinjal and Chili (I think)

Baby Kacang Panjang

Mint (Ugly right? Dont know why...)

The rest are pics of the miniature chilli plants at home... we got round... long... teeny weeny... huge cilli padi... still looking for the yellow ones... can't seem to find it anywhere...

Yes I know thats a lot of chilli... but macam tidak pandai banyak ni... I mean how do the farmers get bags and bags of chilli padi? You can only get so much (sikit wohhh) from one plant. :)

Mari kawan-kawan... let's go gardening... edible... the return is so fulfilling...

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