Friday, June 6, 2008


Hello people :)

need to ask you a teeeny tiny ques... do you do things that you'd feel embarassed to see if another person did it? ughhhhhh i soooooo DO...

ever since i've been hit by yoga fever (A, thanks alot... berjangkit sekali ur virus... berjaya membuat saya membeli yoga mat yg amat 'murah' itu walaupun ada sale) and we've been practicising postures yang amat men'drop'kan your jaw and amat sekaliiiii membingungkan... i've been wanting to do it in the office... in fact u'll find me demo-ing it to the rest "and this... and your leg like this... then your arms straight... then bend forward.... ouch! ok hehehe bend slowly... ah like this this and then breath..." hehehe confused yoggie...

it's sooooooooooooooooooooooooo not easy... i mean bending forward pun jadi perkara yg amat susah sekalii.... they make it look like "kacang putih" as Cigu Mercy used to say...

everynow and then you'll find me stretching my legs then arms up in the air... Sheeshhhh punya la embarassing.... wakakakakaka

how was it the first day? my body no feeling... went to work like biasa...

the 2nd time? huhuhuhuhu... almost died.... body macam punching bag... dragged myself to work... ckit lagi i wanted mc... bos... if you reading this i didnt take mc bah kan? hehehe me good staff bah :P uwekssss..
the pic above shows The Crane posture... i thinked i gapped at my instructor too long... i was stupified...
i stil am.

*pic above courtesy of ninie from

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